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Plastic Polluted Ocean
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What We Do

Enhancing Creativity

We are passionate about expanding creativity and awareness through creative exercises such as illustrative artwork to enhance and link creativity with awareness. 

Raising Awareness

Supporting ocean conservation and human health. Raising awareness to evidence-based mindfulness experiences that support ocean conservation efforts. 

Building A Community

Creating a community of members from ocean enthusiastic, professional divers, environmentalists with a mission to collaborate towards a common purpose. 

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About our Event

Join our live panel discussion this Saturday 3 April 2021 with industry experts on children's imagination of how fish will see the ocean in 10 years!

The primary aim of our event is to create an immersive experience where ocean awareness is fostered through a creative social experiment and a live panel discussion. In this social experiment, children and families are invited to creatively express the young mind’s expectations of future oceans through drawings. These wonderful artworks then become the very soul of the live panel discussion with international ocean enthusiasts, professional divers and environmentalists.

This social experiment and panel discussion are our attempts to build a global community of ocean lovers, a community that we ambitiously wish to make an impact to the on-going ocean conservation movement worldwide. 

Organized by Group 7 as part of assessed work for MA CEM 730 at Falmouth University.

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